South East Essex Branch - Southend-on-Sea
Where we meet:
Avenue Baptist Church Hall
Milton Road

When we meet:
Meetings held on first Saturday of each month.
Doors open at 1.30 pm
Talks start at 2.30 pm
Family History & DNA Help Desks available.
Talks last about 1 hour followed by refreshments and discussion.
All are welcome at the meetings, so come along and meet other family historians.
Branch Officers:-
Chairman - Position Vacant
Secretary: - Heather Feather, 52 Symons Avenue, Leigh-on-Sea, SS9 5QE
E-mail: - Contact may be made via the 'Contact us' button shown above.

Southend-on-Sea Pier in 2011
(picture by Mrs Heather Feather)

The pier as your ancestors would have known it
© Copyright. Essex Society for Family History. All Rights Reserved.
Registered Charity No 290552
- Hosted and supported by Beachshore
Our Contacts
c/o Essex Record Office, Wharf Road, Chelmsford CM2 6YT
+44 333 013 2503
We accept the following cards: