Members Surname Interests
Our complete database of members surname interests is available on line to enable all visitors to our website to make contact with our members who are researching the same surnames.
Members Interests are not restricted to Essex ancestors, but are limited to interests originating in the British Isles. They are seen by many other members and non-members the world over, who regularly make contact with the advertisers.
Surname Interests can only be advertised by members of the Society, but membership of the Essex Society for Family History is open to anyone who cares to join.
ESFH Members Surname Interests may be searched in a number of ways using the button below.
The results of the search will show which members are researching a name and the areas and time periods of interest to them. Information on how to contact the member is given at the foot of the results page.
Chapman codes are used to identify the counties, or countries of the UK and of the Irish Republic associated with the surnames.
Please report any problems with the presentation of our Members Interests to our
Total searches to date: 6306102 (since 11 May 2003).
© Copyright. Essex Society for Family History. All Rights Reserved.
Registered Charity No 290552
- Hosted and supported by Beachshore
Our Contacts
c/o Essex Record Office, Wharf Road, Chelmsford CM2 6YT
+44 333 013 2503
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