Our Terms and Conditions of Sale of Goods and Services cover prices, ordering, payment and the dispatch of goods and services. They also describe our commitment to provide goods and services of merchantable quality and to refund your payment if those goods or services are faulty or not what you ordered. They tell you what to do if an item is faulty or doesn't arrive in a reasonable time. The terms do not affect your statutory rights under English law.
According to the UK Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000, as amended 13th June 2014 shoppers must see the terms and conditions of sale before ordering.
Who are we?
The Essex Society for Family History (ESFH), is an Educational Charity (Registered Charity No 290552) and a member of the Federation of Family History Societies. All the services offered by the Society are provided by volunteer members. There are no paid employees.
The prices which are shown against each product or service include the shipping costs to either UK or Overseas addresses. Those prices are valid for orders placed at the time the prices are displayed by the ESFH website at www.esfh.org.uk.
Visit our shop to place your order.
We can accept payment only via Paypal, where most credit/debit cards are accepted, and by sterling cheques which must be made payable to Essex Society for Family History. Cheques should be sent to the Essex Society for Family History, c/o the Essex Record Office, Wharf Road, Chelmsford, CM2 6YT. Cash payments are not accepted.
Dispatch of goods and services
We will normally arrange for goods to be dispatched within 15 days of receiving your order. The provision of services will take place or start within 15 days, unless a longer period is specified on the relevant pages of this website. As the society is run entirely by volunteers we will occasionally be unable to meet this timescale at bank holiday periods (e.g. Christmas, Easter etc). Goods will be dispatched by Royal Mail, using Airmail for delivery outside the United Kingdom and First span class post for delivery in the UK. Results of search services will normally be sent by e-mail.
Quality of Goods and Services and Returns Procedures
Our aim is that all our customers will be completely satisfied with the quality of the goods and services that they buy from us. If you are not satisfied with the quality of an item, or if an item is faulty or is not what you ordered, please e-mail us at searches@esfh.org.uk with details and return the item to the Essex Society for Family History, c/o Essex Record Office, Wharf Road, Chelmsford, Essex CM2 6YT. When you have returned it we will send a replacement or a refund of your payment, whichever you request. A PayPal refund, when agreed, will be made within 10 days.
UK Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000 as amended.
In law you have a separate right of cancellation during a "cooling off" period. If you wish to cancel for any reason other than those listed in the previous paragraph, you have fourteen clear working days to let us know. If you wish to cancel under this provision, please e-mail us at searches@esfh.org.uk. We will refund your payment on return of the item concerned. The right to cancel does not apply to birth, marriage or death certificates nor to any of our search services where the search has been effected in accordance with your original instructions. If your order is for goods, the fourteen days start when the goods are delivered. The goods should be returned to the Essex Society for Family History, c/o Essex Record Office, Wharf Road, Chelmsford, Essex CM2 6YT. You must return the goods to us at your own expense and take every care to ensure that the goods are safely returned.
Responsibility for Local Taxes and Duties
You are responsible for payment of any Local Taxes and Import Duties levied in the country of the delivery address.
Order Chasing Enquiries
If you have not received your order within a period of time that you consider appropriate (depending on your location) please email us at searches@esfh.org.uk
Retention of Title
All goods that you order remain our property until you have paid for them in full.
Our aim is that you will be completely satisfied with our service and with our goods and services. If you have any cause for complaint please e-mail us at searches@esfh.org.uk or write to the Secretary, Essex Society for Family History, c/o Essex Record Office, Wharf Road, Chelmsford, Essex CM2 6YT. UK residents may prefer to telephone 033301 32503 between 1pm and 4pm on Wednesdays or between 10 am and 1pm.on Thursdays.
Applicable Law
These terms and conditions, your order and payment and the delivery of the goods and services you order, form the basis of a contract under the law of England and Wales between you the customer and the ESFH. Your statutory rights under the law of England and Wales are not affected by these terms and conditions.
Joining the Society:
Applications to join may be made, either online at www.esfh.org.uk, or by returning a paper Application Form to the ESFH Membership Secretary, as directed on the form.
The advertised membership subscription is payable, either online via PayPal, where most credit/debit cards are accepted, or by sterling cheque. Cheques, payable to Essex Society for Family History, should be sent to the Membership Secretary. Cash, which must not be sent by post, can only be accepted at Society meetings by the Membership Secretary or other Society Officer. For renewal, a Bank Standing Order may be used.
The Society complies with the UK General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), which define responsibilities.
The responsibilities of the Society:
2.1 There is a contractual relationship between members and ESFH whereby members pay an annual subscription to support the Society and the Society provides membership benefits, i.e. website, journal, meetings with speakers etc.
2.2 The Society requires every member to give consent to store their full name and at least one contact address.
2.3 The Society will store all personal data, securely, normally in a computer database.
2.4 The Society will use personal data to manage membership and related benefits and not for any other purpose.
2.5 The Society will not share members details with any third party for marketing or other purposes.
2.6 The Society will keep records of payment made by members to the Society for any reason during their membership. These will be erased when membership ends except when Gift Aid declarations have been made. In these cases, records will be kept for seven more years, for possible inspection by HMRC.
2.7 When a member returns a Standing Order Mandate containing their bank account details, the Membership Secretary will add a membership number and forward the mandate to the appropriate bank. No record of the bank account is retained by the Society.
2.8 The Society holds only personal data, provided by the member in their application to become a member.These personal details may be updated by the member at any later time.
The Society has a responsibility for the way it communicates with its members:
3.1 The Society uses the personal data provided by its members to communicate with them about their membership and occasionally about ESFH work.
3.2 The Society, with the consent of each member, sends out membership communications by the member's preferred method, either by email or by post. In exceptional circumstances, telephone may be used.
3.3 All members will choose how they receive the journal, The Historian, and membership subscriptions reflect this. Notification of the Annual General Meeting is given via the journal and website.
3.4 If a member has supplied an email address, the Society will use this as their preferred method of communication unless instructed otherwise.
3.5 A member's email address will be used as their user name for the Members Area of the website.
Individual members have certain rights under the GDPR:
4.1 To be supplied with a copy of any data the Society holds on them and to check its accuracy.
4.2 To correct any inaccuracy at any time, either on line or by informing the Membership Secretary.
4.3 To change their preferred communication method at any time, either on line in their "Member Profile" in the "Members Area", or by informing the Membership Secretary.
4.4 To be informed of any data security breach.
4.5 To have their personal data erased when their membership ceases. Please note that the Society may retain this information after cancellation to meet legal requirements, such as those of HMRC relating to Gift Aid.
Applicable Law:
These terms and conditions and your payment for membership, form the basis of a contract under the law of England and Wales between you and the ESFH. Your statutory rights under the law of England and Wales are not affected by these terms and conditions.
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Registered Charity No 290552
- Hosted and supported by Beachshore
Our Contacts
c/o Essex Record Office, Wharf Road, Chelmsford CM2 6YT
+44 333 013 2503
We accept the following cards: