Research and Courier Services

Elizabeth Cox
The Society offers a range of search services. These are provided by our Research Team, led by Elizabeth Cox.
Details of of all of our Services made be found below. Please click on the plus sign next to the Service you are interested in to show full details of that service.
All services can be ordered through our on-line shop and paid for by credit or debit card. The results of all search requests will be sent to the e-mail address which you provide.
Customers wishing to pay by sterling cheque and receive their search results by post should click on the link labelled Application Form, next to the service they require below.
All enquiries for advice or problems concerning our Search and Courier Services should be sent by email to Elizabeth Cox (see "Contact Us" at the top of this page) or by post to The ESFH Search Team, c/o The Essex Record Office, Wharf Road, Chelmsford, Essex CM2 6YT
If you have a Research Query you can email Eizabeth Cox via the "Contact Us" page using the button below
Research QueriesPlease note:- To use this Service ALL the following details must be supplied: Year/quarter/ surname/forename(s)/registration district/ volume number/page number. If any of these can't be supplied then you will need to use the search service first.
British Consular Registers - BMD
Births and Deaths of British people in a foreign Country where a British Consulate is in operation.
Marriage returns from foreign countries where the British Embassy hold a marriage warrant.
British High Commission Registers - BD
Births and Deaths of British people in a Commonwealth country where a British High Commission is in operation.
Marriages are not received by High commissions.
Registers are only made AFTER the date of independence, i.e. India from 1949. Jamaica from 1965. Kenya from 1965.
For events that took place before Independence, you should consult the Civil Registration Authority for that country.
There are certain countries where there is no provision for any form of British Consul or High Commission registers e.g. Australia, New Zealand, Falkland Islands, Canada, Zimbabwe and South Africa.
British Forces posted overseas - BMD
Births, Marriages and Deaths relating to members of the British Armed Forces posted overseas.
These entries do not show a claim to British citizenship.
Events connected to the Armed forces in Northern Ireland are registered at the GRO, Belfast.
Civil Aircraft - BD
Births and Deaths on British registered aircraft. Information is supplied by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), London.
Hovercraft - BD
Births and Deaths of people which take place on British registered hovercraft. Information is supplied by the Registry of Shipping and Seaman (RSS), Cardiff.
For the information of those researching overseas, The British Library holds:-
Oriental and India Office Collection India and Pakistan, 1698-1948 St. Helena, 1767-1835 Sumatra, 1759-1825 Malacca, Penang and Singapore, 1799-1829 Macao and Canton, 1820-1833 *Kuwait, 1937-1961 *Aden, 1840-1948.
Ionian Islands - BMD
Civil and Regimental records from 1818-1864
Marine - BD
Births and Deaths on British registered ships.
British citizens on certain foreign registered ships.
No register is available for marriages at sea. Information is supplied by the Registry of Shipping and Seaman (RSS) Cardiff.
Offshore Installation - D
Deaths which take place on British owned offshore installations.
Deaths which take place on lifeboats or other emergency survival craft belonging to offshore installations. Information is supplied to the RSS by the installation owner.
Regimental records - BMD
Birth and Baptism, 1761-1924
Marriage records for 1786-1924
War Deaths - D
Entries do not show place of burial or next of kin.
Information on certificates issued are: Regiment, Army number, Rank, Name, Age at Death, Country of Birth, place and cause of death.
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Our Contacts
c/o Essex Record Office, Wharf Road, Chelmsford CM2 6YT
+44 333 013 2503
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