Application for Membership Renewal

Our magazine "The Essex Family Historian" is available in electronic format in the Members Only Area of our website, (all or part of which is downloadable) or a paper copy can be sent to you by post. The membership fees vary according to which option you choose. Please make your choice:

I would like to use the electronic copy in the Members Only area

I would like a printed copy of the Members Magazine sending to me.

  • Membership Categories (please select one)
  • Fees Payable
  • Single Member living in UK
  • £8.00
  • Institutional Member
  • £8.00
  • Single Member living outside UK
  • £8.00

Please choose a password to enable you to access the members only area of our site.
For maximum security it is advisable to change your password each time you renew your membership.

I agree that the society may contact me by :-

The Society uses email to (1) communicate the links to join upcoming Zoom meetings and (2) communicate other important news.

Please complete all required fields above.

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© Copyright. Essex Society for Family History. All Rights Reserved.

Registered Charity No 290552

  • Development and support by JL Development

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